Past planning

Strategy 2017

A planning strategy is a political document that will highlight the strategy of the municipal council for future development in the municipality. The planning strategy thus provides a basis for revision of Qaasuitsup Town Plan 2014-26, as well as a comprehensive strategy for sector plans and policies and a new slogan for development: Growth through diversity.

The municipal council plans with Planstrategi 2017 to require a partial revision of the town plan and that in the proposal for the new Town Plan 2018-30, special attention will be on planning for tourism and industry development. At the same time, infrastructure development is being planned, were decision on the realization of the three infrastructure packages and airports is pending.

The strategic plan is described in more detail under “Vision” in the town plan.

Town Plan 2014-26 for Qaasuitsup Kommunia

This was the first mutual town plan for the new rand municipality, replacing the eight town plans from the eight old municipalities. Eight town plans, made at different times (in different decades) and in different ways. At the same time, the town plan should also contain planning for the open country. An overall focus was therefore to harmonize the approach and form of both the statement and the provisions of the mutual plan.

Following the municipal reunification, there was a corresponding need to establish a uniform set of rules for the administration of area allotments. The reason for this priority was the desire for and the need for openness, a mutual basis and transparency in the municipality's overall area administration.

Link to planning materials:

Planning Strategi 2017 (Qaasuitsup Kommunia)

Town Plan 2014-26 for Qaasuitsup Kommunia

The planning strategy
The 100 dreams
Data collection in settlements and towns

1994-2004 Town Plan for Ilulissat:
part 1, part 2 and part 3

2008-2015 Town Plan for Upernavik:

1992-2010 Town Plan for Uummannaq:
part 1, part 2 and part 3

1998-2010 Town Plan for Qaanaaq:
part 1 and part 2

The yellow booklets
