1200-E05 - Explosives depot

1200-E05 (en)

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  • Location – town/settlement


  • Purpose

    Technical supply plants and other infrastructure

  • Use

    The use of the area is determined for technical purposes and may be used for public functions and facilities I form of explosives magazine with the possibility of storing explosive substances and objects. Buildings may not be furnished or used for residential purposes. Areas not used for buildings, facilities and roads, etc. must be preserved in its natural state.

  • Current conditions

    The area covers an area of ​​approximately 18 ha.

  • Building provisions

    New buildings can be built in up to 1 floor.

  • Remaining available space

    No special provisions.

  • Traffic service and utilities

    The area must be served by traffic when a new road is built through sub-area D11. A new access road is connected to Mittarfimmut Aqq., As shown in principle in Appendix 1.

  • Listed, protected and preservation-worthy features

    No special provisions.

  • Regulated zones

    Closed zones have been established around the airport in the form of obstacle-free surfaces which consist partly of a horizontal plane and a conical surface and partly of approach and departure surfaces in the runway extension. The area is located within the obstacle-free level at the airport and is covered by approach and departure surfaces. The maximum tilt elevation for buildings and constructions and construction elevation for roads is variable and depends on the distance to the runway and a perpendicular distance from the center line. The area is located below the obstacle-free level of the airport and is covered by the horizontal surface where buildings and other facilities may not be built above elevation 73.0 meters and roads may not be constructed above elevation 68.0 meters. A safety zone has been established for the explosives depots in relation to a maximum storage of explosives and objects in the explosives depots. The quantities of explosives must remain within the specified safety zones, cf. Appendix 1. A safety zone of resp. 1579 m and 789.5 m m for retail area E05.1 and E05.2 In cases where the explosives depot is fully covered by solid rock sections, the safety distance to buildings etc. and roads must be halved in the directions where full coverage is achieved. The security zone around the explosives depot must be respected when driving in the area, so that smaller roads, paths, etc. may not be constructed with a distance closer than 80 m. However, this does not apply to road access, cf. map appendix 1. There will continue to be public access to the part of the area that is not fenced. In the event of a move of the explosives depot, the safety zone lapses.

  • Special provisions

    The establishment of Chapter 5 companies in the area Explosive Warehouses is covered by Chapter 5 of the Environmental Ordinance, cf. Inatsisartutlov no.