1200-A13 - Housing at Nammaarfik

1200-A13 (en)

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  • Location – town/settlement


  • Purpose

    Residential areas

  • Specific use

    Dense-low residential housing

  • Use

    The use of the area is determined for residential purposes in the form of a 2-storey apartment block or terraced house laid out as a residential property consisting of apartments. Undeveloped areas that have not been set aside for another purpose may only be furnished or used as common public open spaces and must be given a design that harmonizes with the area's location and use.

  • Current conditions

    The area covers an area of ​​approx. 2,800 m2.

  • Building provisions

    New buildings may be built up to 2 storeys.

  • Remaining available space

    Buildings may be built within the construction field shown in Appendix 1. The area has a residual capacity of 16 homes, depending the final design of the building. When the above building option has been utilized, the area is considered fully developed and without residual capacity.

  • Traffic service and utilities

    The area is served by road via Hafnarfjödur-ip Aqquserna.

  • Listed, protected and preservation-worthy features

    No special provisions.

  • Regulated zones

    Claused zones have been determined around the airport in the form of obstacle-free surfaces which consist of, on the one hand, a horizontal plane and a conical surface and partly of approach and departure surfaces in the extension of the runway. The area is located below the obstacle-free plan for the airport and is covered by the horizontal surface where buildings and other facilities may not be constructed above an elevation of 73.0 meters and roads may not be constructed above an elevation of 68.0 meters. Hafnarfjordur-ip Aqquserna is covered by a 10 m road construction line, as shown in Appendix 1. Sisorarfik is covered by a 7.5 m road construction line, as shown in Appendix 1.

  • Special provisions

    No special provisions.