The Municipal Plan, cf. Inatsisartlov nr. 17 of 17 November 2010 (The Planning Act), is required to include a statement of the municipality's premises and objectives for the municipality's development. The purpose of the town plan statement is to describe the background and the reasons for the municipal council's adoption of the municipal plan.
In the statement report focuses on the municipality’s potentials and development opportunities and how these are likely to affect population trends, settlement patterns and business conditions, and how planning can support a positive development.
The planning forecast is essential in obtaining an overview of the basis for the new common town plan. The planning forecast describes the links to other planning instruments, such as the national planning, economic planning, town planning to date etc.
The present planning framework includes the Town plan 2014-26 for Qaasuitsup Kommunia and Planning Strategy 2017 that defines values, visions and strategic areas of action for the municipal planning. The planning framework also includes numerous local plans and town plan addendums as shown in the overview, which can be seen in the list on the left.
A summary of changes to the current town plan, and changes to subareas is listed here:
The White Book contains the changes to the 2014-26 Qaasuitsup Municipal Plan that have been approved by the Municipal Council.
The 2018-2030 White Book only exists in Greenlandic and Danish