Population trends


Nearly 20% of Greenland's population is living in Avannaata Kommunia. On January 1, 2017, 10,647 people lived in the municipality's towns and settlements. The population living in the four towns accounts for 70% while the last 30% live in the 23 settlements. In 2007, town population comprised 68% and the population in settlements 32%. Since 2007, the population decreased by 584 persons, corresponding to 5.2%, which is a larger decline than for Greenland as a whole (-1.4%). The decline has occurred in both towns (-161 persons) but especially in settlements (-423 persons). However, from 2016 to 2017, there has been an increase in population numbers in both cities (+75) and in the settlements (+72).

The number of births generally exceeds the number of deaths and since 2007, there has thus been a birth surplus of almost 80 people a year, which has contributed to a natural population growth. Conversely, there has been a net relocation (to other municipalities) of around 80 people a year, and thus the net relocation has offset the growth that births created. Finally, the net migration, which is the difference between immigrants and emigrants, contributed negatively to population development. On average, almost 60 people are emigrated every year more than immigrated. Overall, net relocation and net migration exceeded the birth surplus and resulted in an overall decline in population. However, in 2016 (and this year only) there was a net relocation from other municipalities (+85 people) and this contributed to the growth of population in 2016.

Population forecast for 2016-2030 predicts that Greenland as a whole will experience a decrease of just over 1,800 inhabitants. However, this development is expected to be dispersed unequally as towns, and especially the capital Nuuk, are expected to grow in population. The 2016 forecast for the entire Qaasuitsup Kommunia awaits a decline of more than 2,600 inhabitants before the year 2030. The forecast is not separated on towns and settlements, but it is assumed that there are major differences between the expected development in towns and in settlements, and that future development will more or less reflect the actual development of recent years.

Gender distribution and age groups

As in the rest of Greenland, there is an overweight of men in Avannaata Kommunia. Gender distribution is thus 52.6% men and 47.4% women. In settlements, the share of women is slightly lower (46.3%) than in towns (47.9%), but compared to the country, the proportion of women in the settlements relatively high (46.3% in settlements in Avannaata Kommunia against 44.8% in settlements throughout Greenland).

A quarter of the municipality's inhabitants are children and adolescents up to 16 years old. 12% are aged 17-24 years and 55% are aged 25-64 years, while 8% are over 65 years. The age distribution in Avannaata Kommunia is very similar to the general age distribution in Greenland.

The last 10 years there has been a significant decline in the group 7-16 years, while the number of people aged 65+ has increased.