1600-C08 - Akia (Langø)

1600-C08 (en)

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  • Location – town/settlement


  • Purpose

    Centre areas

  • Specific use

    Centre areas

  • Use

    The area is to be used for centre purposes as well as institutions and recreational purposes, housing in the shape of dense-low and residential multi-storey buildings. The area is also to be used for industry in the shape of offices, contracting, storage, skilled trade, workshop and transport . Within the area, technical facilities supplying the area may be established. The design and location of the facilities are to consider the buildings and the unbuilt areas

  • Current conditions

    The area covers an area of some 196 ha

  • Building provisions

    Prior to constructing new buildings, a complete plan is to be prepared for the entire area, which determines the type, scope and location of buildings as well as detailed provisions for the area’s development

  • Remaining available space

    The area can hold another 670 homes and has 25,000 m² of available space, depending on the final layout of the buildings. Once the abovementioned building potential has been utilised, the area is considered fully developed without any available space in the area.

  • Traffic service and utilities

    Access to the road system can be established by constructing an aerial cableway from Akia Island to Upernavik

  • Listed, protected and preservation-worthy features

    No special provisions

  • Regulated zones

    Regulated zones exist around the airport in the shape of obstacle limitation surfaces that consist of partly a horizontal surface and a conical surface, partly approach and take-off surfaces in continuation of the runway. The area is located under the airport’s obstacle limitation surface, and is covered by the horizontal surface, where buildings and other facilities cannot be established higher than level 171.0 metres and roads no higher than level 166.0 metres. The area is located under the airport’s obstacle limitation surface, and is covered by the conical surface, where the maximum ridge level of buildings and facilities is variable, having a positive slope away from the outer limit of the horizontal surface.

  • Special provisions

    No special provisions