1707-C01 - Qeqertat Atuarfiat

1707-C01 (en)

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  • Location – town/settlement


  • Purpose

    Centre areas

  • Specific use

    Common purposes

  • Use

    The use of the area is determined for common purposes in the form of a chapel, school, public institutions and administration as well as central purposes such as shop, hotel, restaurant, depot/storage in addition to housing and a small gas depot. Within the subdivision plan area, technical facilities can be built for the area's supply. The facilities must be located and designed taking into account the built-up area and the undeveloped areas are established.

  • Current conditions

    The area covers an area of ​​approximately 32,000 m2.

  • Building provisions

    New buildings can be built in up to 2 storeys, equivalent to 1 storey with a used attic.

  • Remaining available space

    Individual new homes/centre functions can be built on the basis of a specific assessment. Based on a specific assessment, there is possibility of extension to existing construction. Several buildings are ripe for renovation and new buildings can be built on existing land.

  • Traffic service and utilities

    Access to the settlement's other areas and functions is ensured from the area via the existing system of carriageways and paths. Within the area, roads, carriageways, paths etc. can be established which ensure access to the sub-area's functions and to the settlement's other surrounding areas and functions.

  • Listed, protected and preservation-worthy features

    No special provisions

  • Regulated zones

    The area is covered by a safety zone for the gas depot. The safety zone has a radius of 20 meters from the gas depot's outer limits. This part of the area must not be built on or used in any other way contrary to the regulations for the zone. In sub-area 1707-E03, a tank facility is located, which has a safety zone with a radius of 20m from the tank facility. In this safety zone, no buildings may be built on.

  • Special provisions

    No special provisions