1502-D01 - Recreational area

1502-D01 (en)

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  • Location – town/settlement


  • Purpose

    Unbuilt areas and areas for recreational purposes

  • Specific use

    Unbuilt areas

  • Use

    The area is to be used as an unbuilt area in the shape of common open space

  • Current conditions

    The area covers an area of some 1,473 ha

  • Building provisions

    Only to a miniscule extent may new buildings and facilities be established as part of the recreational use of the area

  • Remaining available space

    No special provisions

  • Traffic service and utilities

    Within the area, only roads and other facilities that ensure the execution of the town plan’s projects are to be established

  • Listed, protected and preservation-worthy features

    Within a distance of 20 metres, registered ancient monuments are to be kept clear of buildings and facilities, cf. section 5 in the Preservation Act. The Greenland National Museum may grant an exception from the provisions.

  • Regulated zones

    Regulated zones exist around the airport in the shape of obstacle limitation surfaces that consist of partly a horizontal surface and a conical surface, partly approach and take-off surfaces in continuation of the runway. The area is located under the obstacle limitation surface at the airport and is covered by approach and take-off surfaces. The maximum ridge level of buildings and facilities and the construction level of roads are variable and depend on the distance to the runway and a right-angled distance from the centre line. The area is located under the airport’s obstacle limitation surface, and is covered by the horizontal surface, where buildings and other facilities cannot be established higher than level 134.1 metres and roads no higher than level 129.1 metres. The area is located under the airport’s obstacle limitation surface, and is covered by the conical surface, where the maximum ridge level of buildings and facilities is variable, having a positive slope away from the outer limit of the horizontal surface. The area is covered by the line of sight area of the radio beacon. The line of sight area is variable, depending on the beacon’s location. This part of the area cannot be developed or in any other way be used contrary to the line of sight area provisions. This area features a line of sight zone around the radio beacon of 70 metres

  • Special provisions

    No special provisions