1700-C05 - Museum

1700-C05 (en)

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  • Location – town/settlement


  • Purpose

    Centre areas

  • Specific use

    Common purposes

  • Use

    The area is to be used for public purposes such as museum and open air museum

  • Current conditions

    The area covers an area of some 1 ha

  • Building provisions

    Prior to constructing new buildings, a complete plan is to be prepared for the entire area, which determines the type, scope and location of buildings as well as detailed provisions for the area’s development

  • Remaining available space

    The area can hold another 5 homes and has 1,000 m² of available space, depending on the final layout of the buildings. Once the abovementioned building potential has been utilised, the area is considered fully developed without any available space in the area.

  • Traffic service and utilities

    The existing system of thoroughfares provides access to the other areas and functions in the area

  • Listed, protected and preservation-worthy features

    B-463 is a listed building. This building can only be demolished or their appearance otherwise changed following prior permission by the Greenland National Museum. B-252 is preservation-worthy. This building can only be demolished or its appearance changed following prior permission by the municipal council.

  • Regulated zones

    No special provisions

  • Special provisions

    No special provisions