1606-B01 - Port by the power plant

1606-B01 (en)

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  • Location – town/settlement


  • Purpose

    Areas for industry and ports

  • Specific use

    Areas for industry and ports

  • Use

    The area is to be used for activities within office, contractors, industry, warehouses, skilled trade, workshop, production and transport as well as port purposes involving dock and pier facilities, terminal functions and similar port facilities. The offshore area may be used for anchoring and mooring. Unbuilt areas which have not been laid out for circulation or other purposes can be laid out and used as common free areas only, and their appearance must be consistent with the location and use of the area.

  • Current conditions

    The area covers an area of some 2690 m2

  • Building provisions

    New buildings can be built on the building zone given in Appendix 1. New buildings are to have a maximum height of 10.0 metres

  • Remaining available space

    Commercial buildings can be etablished within the laid out building zones

  • Traffic service and utilities

    From the area, access is to be provided to the other areas and functions in the settlement by means of the existing system of wheel tracks and paths Minor changes may occur of the existing system of wheel tracks and paths, as long as this benefits the settlements infrastructure, and happens with the municipal council approval

  • Listed, protected and preservation-worthy features

    No special provisions

  • Regulated zones

    A safety zone is planned for subarea B01 with a center in Nukissiorfiits's tank facility in subarea E04. Use of area within this safety zone, e.g. to storage of containers, requires flame screen setup accordant with Tekniske forskrifter for brandfarlige væsker, Gældende for Grønland (1987). Technical regulations for flammable liquids, Applicable to Greenland. The safety zone given in § 11.1 has a fixed radius of 15 metres to the tank facility. If the tank facility is moved the safety zone is moved correspondingly. If the tank facility is moved and that the safety zone no longer affects the subarea B01 the safety zone can be ignored.

  • Special provisions

    Heavily polluting companies may set up in certain delimited parts of the area. The establishment of a heavily polluting company presupposes an environmental permit, pursuant to the Government of Greenland’s Executive Order no. 11 of 20 August 2004 on environmental approval of heavily polluting companies etc.