0003-L14 - Aattartoq

0003-L14 (en)

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  • Location – town/settlement

    Nunaannaq (Det aabne land)

  • Purpose

    Special recreational areas

  • Specific use

    Special recreational areas

  • Use

    The area is utilized for houseing and facilities related to leisure purposes in the zones of recreational use.

  • Current conditions

    The area is partially developed

  • Building provisions

    Buildings are placed with a minimum of 50 metres apart. This 50 meter distance is not applied for tent platforms, if these are of the same owner. Buildings are to have a maximum height of one storey, measuring no more than 5.5 metres to the ridge. Huts are to have a maximum area of 20 m² Summer cottages are to have a maximum area of 100 m² Tourist huts are to have a maximum area of 200 m² Buildings and facilities are to be maintained regularly to not disfigure their surroundings.

  • Remaining available space

    The area today can contain 8 tpurist huts or tentplatforms for tourist purposes and 3 hunting cabins. When 13 huts are placed in total (8 touristhuts or tentplatforms and 4 hunting cabins), the area are consiered to be fully utilized.

  • Traffic service and utilities

    Access to the subarea is thorough the landscape buffer zone. Snowmobile traffic to the subarea can only take place in a dedicated snowmobile corridor, which has been zoned in a municipal bylaw for motorised traffic in the open country. Roads, wheel tracks and paths can be established near facilities and buildings.

  • Listed, protected and preservation-worthy features

    No special provisions

  • Regulated zones

    No special provisions

  • Special provisions

    Further building and construction in the subarea requires a supplement to the town plan with detailed provisions.