1200-B04 - 1200-B04
1200-B04 (en)
Location – town/settlement
Areas for industry and ports
Specific use
Industry areas
The area is to be used for activities within office, contracting, warehouse, craft, workshop, production, transport as well as storage and facilities. Undeveloped areas that have not been laid out for another purpose may only be used as shared public open spaces and must be given a design that harmonizes with the area's location and use.
Current conditions
The area covers an area of approximately 21 ha. corresponding to 212,409 m2.
Building provisions
Maximum heights are determined for each individual construction plot and appear in Appendix 6. Construction, layout and other facilities must not exceed these heights.
Remaining available space
The area has a residual capacity of approx. 97,000 m2, corresponding to the laid out construction sites as shown in Annexes 3 and 4. When the above area for construction, plant and storage space has been used, the area is considered to be fully developed and with no remaining space.
Traffic service and utilities
The area is serviced by road from Mittarfimmut Aqq. Area is reserved for new internal roads in the area with a location as shown in principle on Appendix 2. Maximum construction elevations for these roads are determined, as shown in Appendix 5.
Listed, protected and preservation-worthy features
No special provisions.
Regulated zones
The area is covered by the safety zone for the explosives depot, as shown in Appendix 1. This part of the area may not be built on or used in any other way in violation of the regulations for the safety zone. The safety zone around the explosives depot must be respected when driving in the area, however, there will still be public access to the part of the area that is not fenced off. If the explosives depot is moved, the safety zone for this will cease to exist. Regulated zones have been determined around the existing airport in the form of obstacle-free surfaces which consist of, partly a horizontal plane and a conical surface and partly of approach and departure surfaces in the extension of the runway. The area is located below the obstacle-free plan for the airport and is covered by the horizontal surface where buildings and other facilities may not be constructed above an elevation of 73.0 meters and roads may not be constructed above an elevation of 68.0 meters. With the upcoming airport in Ilulissat, regulated zones with height restrictions have been imposed. This includes an approach corridor (variable height) and a horizontal surface (at an elevation of 75 metres) that must be respected. The area is located below the approach and departure surfaces and the horizontal surface. The maximum elevation for all buildings and facilities as well as the facility elevation for roads is variable below the approach and departure surfaces and depends on the distance to the runway and a perpendicular distance from the centerline. Buildings and facilities may be built up to a maximum of elevation 75, but the exact height varies from area to area and can therefore be less than elevation 75 depending on the area's location in relation to the runway and the centreline. The maximum tilting elevation for building site no. 34, which is closest to the airport, is 54 meters in elevation.
Special provisions
No special provisions.
Ikke registreret
Local plan/subarea plan in force: